How Long Can a Tooth Survive Out of the Mouth?

Dr Khuong Nguyen
3 min readDec 23, 2022

If you have a tooth beginning to fall out, you may ask yourself how long it will last. A tooth that is out of place is usually a sign that something has happened to it, such as a traumatic injury. Before it falls out, however, there are things you can do to help it last. The first step is to clean the affected area and put it back in the socket.

If you have noticed your teeth becoming black or dark, you may have a tooth undergoing decay. This is a severe dental concern that should not be ignored. You should see your dentist as soon as possible to avoid more complicated issues.

Several factors, including damage to the enamel, trauma, or infection, can cause tooth discoloration. In addition, certain drugs and medical treatments can also affect the color of your teeth.

Teeth whitening treatments are usually ineffective in treating internal color changes. For instance, if you are receiving a fluoride supplement, your teeth may become brown pits on the biting surface of the teeth.

Discolored or darkened teeth are often the first signs of a tooth destined for extraction. Your dentist can evaluate the situation to determine whether it is possible to save the tooth.

The most common treatment for discolored teeth is crowns or veneers. A dentist will also remove any tartar buildup on the teeth.

When your teeth have been damaged due to traumatic injuries, you must get them fixed as soon as possible. This is because dental trauma can affect your long-term health and nutrition.

Traumatic injuries can occur from accidents, sports mishaps, or bad falls. These can damage the inside of your mouth and your tongue, lips, and teeth. It would be best if you treated your injuries quickly to prevent infection.

Dental trauma can be excruciating. It can cause bleeding and swelling. It may also make it difficult to chew and swallow food. Your teeth can become loose and stuck out in your gums.

The primary goal of traumatic dental treatment is to save a tooth at risk of losing its structure. An endodontist can help you with this. They can perform a root canal to keep the tooth in its correct location.

Dental trauma is a harrowing and embarrassing experience. Various treatments are available to help you recover from this type of injury.

You may have lost a tooth and need to learn how to put a tooth back in the socket. There are many different options available for you to choose from. But the best method is to bring your tooth to the dentist.

Before you go to the dentist, you should clean the tooth. This includes rinsing it with water. Avoid using any soap or chemicals to rinse the tooth. Also, avoid touching the root surface with your fingers.

Once you have cleaned your teeth, you can put them back into the socket. You can use milk or a glass of water to keep them moist. However, don’t let them dry out.

If you cannot place a tooth back into the socket, try to put it between your cheek and gum. You can also wrap it in plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Some people find biting down on a wet tea bag more comfortable.



Dr Khuong Nguyen

Dr. Khuong Nguyen presently owns and operates his own pediatric dental clinic. It’s taken a lot of effort, and he didn’t get here overnight.